Green Lantern/Green Arrow Vol. 2

Green Lantern/Green Arrow Vol. 2

DC Comics; First Edition (August 1, 2004)
Published from 1971 - 1974 volume 2 deals with subjects of greed, race, social, pollution and worst of all heroin addiction. Confrontations between GL and GA are frequent in these two volumes. It must have been pretty fantastic for people to read these in the early seventies. We have the first appearance of John Stuart as Green Lantern, and the lesser known Roy Harper aka Speedy whom is the sidekick of Green Arrow and has developed a heroin addiction. It was cool to see Black Canary, GA's love interest, in both volumes 1 and 2. She kicks some butt here and there. Another interesting tidbit I thought was that in volume 2 there are several stories from The Flash series. These story topics were controversial for their time with the editors and writers of DC receiving letters from people like the mayor of New York John V. Lindsay commending them in their 
war against drugs. Kinda curious now huh? I was.

-Alan Tooma
Panel Yap rating 3/5
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